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Lawsuit Filed Regarding SoyNut Butter Spread E. Coli Contamination Amid Voluntary Recall

Food safety is one of the most popular topics in the headlines these days. Whether it is major foodborne illness outbreaks at popular national chain restaurants or contaminated food products on store shelves, consumers face serious risks when food providers and manufacturers fail to take reasonable precautions and to use due care.

Recently, a couple in California filed a lawsuit against the maker of SoyNut Butter, IM Healthy, alleging that one of the spouses suffered serious injuries as a result of consuming SoyNut Butter that was contaminated with E. coli O157:H7. The complaint alleges that as a result of the contamination the wife required hospitalization and extensive medical treatment. The complaint also states that she purchased the product at a popular retail store in California.

The outbreak associated with the soy nut butter spread was first identified by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene after a resident of that state who became ill stated that they had consumed SoyNut Butter shortly beforehand. The Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in addition to a number of local health departments, have launched investigations into the outbreak. Recently, IM Healthy initiated a recall for the product and stated that the voluntary recall applied to its Original Creamy SoyNut Butter product that bears a Best By date of August 30, 2018 or August 31, 2018. The company also stated in the recall announcement that the recall was due in part to the FDA’s notice that it was investigating a potential link between the product and cases of E. coli-related illness.

E. coli is a dangerous pathogen that can cause serious health problems if consumed, especially for individuals with weakened immune systems, children, and the elderly. Some of the earliest signs of an E. coli contamination are severe gastrointestinal distress, pain and discomfort, fever, and kidney failure. In many cases, hospitalization and intensive medical treatment are required to address the infection. Tragically, there have been a number of fatalities associated with the consumption of E. coli-contaminated food products.

If you or someone you love has become ill as a result of consuming contaminated food, you may be entitled to compensation. In general, the law requires food preparers and distributors to use reasonable care when harvesting, storing, handling, transporting, and serving food products. This includes taking adequate measures to prevent contamination, such as requiring employees to wash their hands or to refrain from working when ill. Although personal injury laws vary from state to state, almost all of them recognize at least one cause of action that a food contamination victim can bring against an individual or company responsible for his or her illness.

At Moll Law Group, our E. coli attorneys have represented many victims throughout the United States and have the knowledge, experience, and tenacity it takes to ensure that you can pursue the justice that you deserve. Representing individuals in Florida, Texas, Illinois, and California, among other states, we offer a free consultation to help you learn about your legal options and how we may be able to help you. Call us now at 312-462-1700 or contact us online to get started.

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