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Articles Tagged with talcum powder

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towels-5961628_1280-e1665172973117Around 20,000 women get an ovarian cancer diagnosis each year. For more than half, the illness is fatal. Johnson & Johnson has spent billions on lawsuits related to talc. A recent piece in the New Yorker outlined the new legal strategy the company’s executives have used to halt the substantial litigation—if the strategy is successful, other companies may use it, too, and this could harm future claims brought by injured consumers. If you suffered ovarian cancer and believe it may have been caused by Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder (or talcum powder made by a different manufacturer), you should call the Chicago-based product liability lawyers of Moll Law Group. Our firm represents injured consumers and billions have been recovered in the cases with which we’ve been involved.

Call Moll Law Group About Your J&J Talc Claim

Risk factors for ovarian cancer include a family history of reproductive cancer, use of fertility drugs, being overweight, unhealthy diet, and prior cancer diagnosis. Another risk factor is use of talcum powder. Research underlying the claims of a study in the Journal of the American Medical Association didn’t find a statistically significant connection between talc and ovarian cancer; however it also didn’t necessarily distinguish between talc-containing powders and baby powders that didn’t contain talc. Other studies have found a significant connection between women who used talc for feminine hygiene and cancer.

Once aware of a potential risk, many manufacturers stopped using talc—cornstarch in baby powder is cheap and safer. But Johnson & Johnson continued to use talc in spite of the complex issues around its use, and in spite of being a brand with influence and trusting consumers. The company’s slogan was, for a time: “A sprinkle a day helps keep odor away.”

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